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Native American Culture (BD Shadow)

Native  American Culture written with pictures from 'Red Rock'


Here's an index of useful Net resources for Native American Cultures, organized by category.

Art Collections
There are wonderful Galleries of Native Artwork all across the continent. Many have Web sites with photos. There are also many other Collections of different types online. Some are commercial sites, but show beautiful examples of carvings, masks, and other types of Native Art.

This list of talented Native American Artists, with pictures of their work, includes paintings in various mediums, clay work, and sculpture.

Here are links for baby names, books for children, and organizations promoting the well-being of children.

Examples of men's and women's clothing (traditional and current), moccasins, and Regalia - special clothing made by dancers for exhibition or competition dancing.

Native American craftwork is really an "Art." Here are links to pottery, beadwork, Katsina Dolls, flutes, and silversmithing, and more.

These sites with photos describe Native American Dances. Most of these dances are performed at Pow Wows.

This list features Tribally owned and operated Colleges, as well as links to information and resources about Education.

Links to pages with Wisdom from our Elders, programs to assist our Elders, and to profiles and bios of some of our Elders.

Famous People
Some of our famous Native Nations People, past and present

Food and Recipes
Do you like Buffalo Stew? With these links you'll find information on some foods utilized by Native Americans and recipes for preparing them.

A few sources for American Indian games and toys, including one site that features online games and quizzes.

These resources include a link to NARA Archival Information Locator (NAIL), a "How To" guide, and a Query board to post "I am trying to find" messages.

Sites with information on the health of Native peoples of North America. A link to download the report prepared by the Council of Economic Advisers for the President's Initiative on Race is included. Herb source

Links to information, places to purchase herbs: sage, sweetgrass, tobacco (even sweetgrass plugs and tobacco seeds), smudging supplies like fans, shells, smudgepots.

This list features histories from cultures and nations in several different regions of North America.

Links to sites about Pre-contact housing, present housing, housing assistance and census statistics.

Issues and Causes
These are sites about issues and causes important to and/or affecting Native American or First Nations and Native American individuals.

A good sampling of the over 300 Native languages on the Net. If you need a language not listed, please email me to locate it for you.

A list of museums showcasing Native American artifacts and/or arts & crafts that you may wish to visit while traveling.

Here are links for drum songs, flute soundbites to download, an online listening station, plus!

Here are a few Native American CDs available at

Native Nations
I read there are now more than 800, maybe even twice that, sites of Official pages and Homepages for Native American Nations of North America. The list I have here is representative. I'll gladly locate the page of any Nation - please email me.

These are sources for magazines, books, and online versions of newspapers published by Native people for American Indians and Alaska Natives.

Books from

A list of online organizations devoted to the preservation of traditional culture and improvement of Native peoples' lives in today's world.

Presenting some of the many fine poems by Native American writers that are available on the Net.

Pow Wows
Links to pages about Pow Wow terminology and etiquette, Pow Wow schedules, and photos!

Sacred, Symbols
This category features links to pages about Sacred things and Symbols: Sacred Instructions; Seven Sacred Rites of the Lakhota; Medicine Wheel, Seal, Moons, and Flag Sacredness & Symbolism; Petroglyhs; Catlinite and Sacred Pipe; and a few others of importance to this author.
No information to Sacred Ceremonies that should be taught by your traditional Teacher or Spiritual Leader will be found here. These must be learned in person and take time, just like a Doctor or an ordained Minister.

A sampling of the multitude of stories and legends from the rich Native American oral traditions.

U.S. Government
Here is a list of offices important to Native Americans. Links to the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House are included. You can email, mail, contact as necessary; or just express your opinion.

These sites are devoted to information and/or resources for Native American women.

Your/Our Relations
Links to sites where You can learn about and/or assist some of "Our Relations" - Wolves, Eagles, Buffalo, and others as links become known to webmaster.

No information to Sacred Ceremonies that should be taught by your traditional Teacher or Spiritual Leader will be found here. These must be learned in person and take time, just like a Doctor or an ordained Minister.

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Native American Culture site created January 1, 2000.

The graphics on this page are copyright by Sonny Del Castillo,
from his Native American collections. Thank you for permission to use.
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